Featured Speaker: Christina Cicci

About Christina Cicci

Wholistic Wellbeing Coach
Christina is a Wholistic Wellbeing Coach.  She helps women move past emotional and physical energetic blocks and limiting beliefs from a wholistic approach utilizing the Mind, Body, and Soul to assist in the creation of the life of their dreams. Christina grew up in a fast paced environment involving her families NASCAR race team business where she would eventually assist her father in running multiple teams. They traveled, jet setted and entertained CEO’s and executives from fortune 500 companies. She ran marketing and pr programs for other NASCAR teams until the recession in 2008. All the while she followed her passion for the esoteric and awakening to other philosophies, quantum physics and spiritualism since her first encounter with Conversations with God in 2005. This pivotal moment fundamentally changed the way she saw the world. Her ever curious personality kept her seeking and learning different modalities of yoga and energy work as a hobby.  Her intuitive abilities started to come on line as she was having mystical experiences such as out of body experiences and astral travel. She decided to reinvent herself and go to culinary school to pursue her dream of owning her own wine bar/restaurant some day as she worked in a wine bar for seven years while running her families race teams. Her dream came true in 2018 when she opened her wine bar in a suburb of Charlotte, NC. Her dream soon became a nightmare of working 70-80 hour weeks, running every aspect of the business, picking up shifts when employees didn’t show and cooking for the first six months. It was killing her, Covid hit in 2020. She was forced to close. After sleeping for a few days recovering from the stress, she awakened, feeling free. Looking in the mirror for the first time in a long time and really seeing what has happened. At 83lbs, feeling exhausted, and a failure. She didn't even know who the F*ck she was both outside and in. She knew she was on the wrong path. It was then that she found Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. This changed everything. She started to remember who she was. After months of healing and exiting the restaurant fully. She studied at the Academy of Wealth, Alchemy and Kinetic Energy (AWAKE). This reawakened all of her spiritual gifts and she began to work with energy and started coaching. Since, has learned true Tantric energy practices under Tantra Masters and working with the Shakti (Divine Feminine) energy. Yet, with all of this work, there were still blind spots. She discovered that all of the energy work, all of the plant medicine, the women’s circles, the vortex visits, she still was unable to keep the loving relationship, the income, the dream career.  It was her thoughts and beliefs about herself and how she saw the world. That’s what it all boils down to. There is nothing outside of ourselves to change. It’s all about changing self. With all of this esoteric experience and knowledge, she has a gift to bridge the, mindset, science and spirituality and present it in an approachable, easy to digest manor with methods that have proven benefits.

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Christina's Gift

About Christina Cicci

Christina is a Wholistic Wellbeing Coach.  She helps women move past emotional and physical energetic blocks and limiting beliefs from a wholistic approach utilizing the Mind, Body, and Soul to assist in the creation of the life of their dreams. Christina grew up in a fast paced environment involving her families NASCAR race team business where she would eventually assist her father in running multiple teams. They traveled, jet setted and entertained CEO’s and executives from fortune 500 companies. She ran marketing and pr programs for other NASCAR teams until the recession in 2008. All the while she followed her passion for the esoteric and awakening to other philosophies, quantum physics and spiritualism since her first encounter with Conversations with God in 2005. This pivotal moment fundamentally changed the way she saw the world. Her ever curious personality kept her seeking and learning different modalities of yoga and energy work as a hobby.  Her intuitive abilities started to come on line as she was having mystical experiences such as out of body experiences and astral travel. She decided to reinvent herself and go to culinary school to pursue her dream of owning her own wine bar/restaurant some day as she worked in a wine bar for seven years while running her families race teams. Her dream came true in 2018 when she opened her wine bar in a suburb of Charlotte, NC. Her dream soon became a nightmare of working 70-80 hour weeks, running every aspect of the business, picking up shifts when employees didn’t show and cooking for the first six months. It was killing her, Covid hit in 2020. She was forced to close. After sleeping for a few days recovering from the stress, she awakened, feeling free. Looking in the mirror for the first time in a long time and really seeing what has happened. At 83lbs, feeling exhausted, and a failure. She didn't even know who the F*ck she was both outside and in. She knew she was on the wrong path. It was then that she found Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. This changed everything. She started to remember who she was. After months of healing and exiting the restaurant fully. She studied at the Academy of Wealth, Alchemy and Kinetic Energy (AWAKE). This reawakened all of her spiritual gifts and she began to work with energy and started coaching. Since, has learned true Tantric energy practices under Tantra Masters and working with the Shakti (Divine Feminine) energy. Yet, with all of this work, there were still blind spots. She discovered that all of the energy work, all of the plant medicine, the women’s circles, the vortex visits, she still was unable to keep the loving relationship, the income, the dream career.  It was her thoughts and beliefs about herself and how she saw the world. That’s what it all boils down to. There is nothing outside of ourselves to change. It’s all about changing self. With all of this esoteric experience and knowledge, she has a gift to bridge the, mindset, science and spirituality and present it in an approachable, easy to digest manor with methods that have proven benefits.


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